My Street Visits Documentary Director

Participants meet after invitation from Sue Bourne

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Sue Bourne with Suzie, Thomas and Caroline

The evening after My Street: Sue Bourne (behind) with three of the participants in the film


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Last weeks' Cutting Edge documentary, My Street provoked much comment, many minutes of media discussion, appearances on 'Richard and Judy' by Producer/Director Sue Bourne with two of the street inhabitants, and of course a large number of posts on the Forum.

Sue Bourne invited some of the participants and to her house the following evening.

The unanimous verdict of all those present was that the documentary had been beautifully and sensitively made. Keith, whose plight as a mesothelioma sufferer given only months to live was one of the poignant moments in the film, and Ali his wife said the film had been "very emotional" for them.

Caroline, the voice-over artist and impressionist told us she had had three offers via an internet dating site since the documentary was screened, mostly wishing her well. One of the messages read: "We loved the documentary and hope you find your special someone."

She also said she had received messages from people she hadn't seen for years, including a casting director who said: "So good to see you're progressing!"

Caroline told us how she had given an Evening Standard reporter, who had been doorstepping residents in the street in question until 11.00pm last Thursday after the documentary was screened, a bit of an earful.

Caroline said: "She was a very well-dressed young woman and I asked her how would she like the name of her street given to the press. She said she wouldn't. I also told her that everyone thought the documentary was fabulous, so there really was no story here."

There was much discussion about how the street seemed a friendlier place since the documentary was screened, and how the documentary had made everyone think about how important it is to get to know your neighbours.

Everyone in the room was shocked and saddened by the fate of Adam, the Tourette's sufferer who died while the documentary was still being made. His memory will be kept alive in the neighbourhood which he inhabited before his death - and beyond the street, by everyone who saw and was moved by his plight.

For those who missed it, the documentary will be screened again on More 4 on June 1st.



March 1, 2008