Former Foster Carer Convicted of Sex Offences

Victims showed 'great courage' during trial

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A 57-year-old former foster carer from Acton was found guilty earlier this week at Harrow Crown Court of a string of offences against children in his care.

Sentencing has been set for 19 April at Harrow Crown Court.

DC Emma MacDonald of the MPS Child Abuse Investigation Command said:

"This man abused the position of trust he had been placed in. I am grateful this has been recognised by the court and he has been found guilty of the offences."

"Officers within the Child Abuse Investigation Command are specially trained to work with young people and support them through the court process. This investigation entailed several interviews with the victims and witnesses ensuring that the full evidence was available for the court to consider."

Police were called last year on February 8th at 3:22pm. A witness informed them that in the early hours of the morning the defendant had beaten two young people in his care (victim two and victim four) with a stick.

Both victims were taken to hospital where they were treated for their injuries (severe bruising) and kept in for observation. A third victim (victim three) was also seen by a doctor at the hospital who confirmed that she had bruising but her injuries did not require her to remain in hospital.

The defendant was arrested and taken to Acton police station. He was later released on police bail whilst the investigation continued.

During the course of the investigation, it was established that two of the victims (victim three and four) had been subjected to sexual activity.

The Court heard how, whilst on police bail, the defendant frequented places he knew his victims would be. He attempted to intimidate them by following them and staring at them.

The defendant was charged on 21 September 2009 and bailed to appear at Ealing Magistrates'

DC Emma MacDonald said:

"The victims in this case were particularly vulnerable; a situation the defendant took advantage of. Everyone who has given evidence over the course of the trial has shown great courage in ensuring that the truth of what happened has finally been heard. I know they are being fully supported and I hope they are able to recover from what they have been through.

"Anyone who has concerns about the way a child is being treated should have the confidence to immediately contact the police  All allegations are taken seriously and investigated sympathetically."

Full list of indictments.

Count 1: Cruelty to a person under 16 years of age. (victim 1) - the jury were unable to reach a decision on this count
Count 2: Sexual activity with a child family member ( victim 3) - guilty by majority verdict
Count 3: Sexual activity with a child family member ( victim 3) - guilty by majority verdict
Count 4: Sexual activity with a child family member ( victim 4) - guilty by majority verdict
Count 5: Actual Bodily Harm (victim 2) - guilty by unanimous verdict
Count 6: Actual Bodily Harm (victim 2) - guilty by unanimous verdict
Count 7: Actual Bodily Harm (victim 4) - guilty by unanimous verdict
Count 8: Actual Bodily Harm (victim 3) - guilty by unanimous verdict
Count 9: Intimidation - guilty by unanimous verdict


March 24, 2010