Woman Jailed for Anti-Social Behaviour

Samantha O'Gorman breached injunction banning her from South Acton Estate

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A woman has been jailed for eight months for breaching an anti-social behaviour injunction (ASBI) banning her from the South Acton Estate.

Ealing Council joined forces with Ealing Homes and the Acton Safer Neighbourhood Team to serve the ASBI on Samantha O’Gorman, 36, in 2008. She appeared at Brentford County Court on Wednesday, 17 March, where she admitted that on 22 February she had breached her ASBI, which orders her to steer clear of an area in and around the South Acton Estate.

The injunction bans her from:
• Entering or being within the area of the South Acton Estate
• Loitering or sleeping in the communal areas of any residential block of dwellings within the area of the estate
• Using the communal areas to urinate or defecate
• Being in possession of or leaving any drugs paraphernalia in the communal areas

She was previously jailed for four and a half months in March 2009 and for six months in October 2009 for breaches of the injunction.

Councillor Vlod Barchuk, Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, said: “This injunction has been put in place to ensure residents are not made to suffer because of one person’s behaviour. We are working closely with the police and Ealing Homes to ensure that residents feel safe. If people ignore the rules of an injunction or ASBO we have given them we will continue to take action until they understand that their behaviour is unacceptable.”


March 23, 2010