ASBO for Acton Central after public intimidation

Long-term problem could be solved for locals


ASBO for Acton Central

ASBO zone marked in pink around outside

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Safer Neighbourhood Teams
East Acton Ward 020-8965 3031
South Acton Ward 020-8649-3574
Acton Central Ward 020-8721-7190
Southfield Ward 020-8721-2946
Crime Prevention Office 020-8246-1252

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After consisent reports of intimidation and harassment around the area, parts of Acton have been issued with an Anti- Social Behaviour Order.

The police had been told by members of the public that they had been alarmed and distressed by the behaviour of certain people in groups of two or more.

The Anti-social Behaviour Order will be in force from December 2 until June 1 2007. Police will be entitled to disperse groups from the area if they do not have good reason to be there. Anyone under 16 may not be allowed in the area unless they are accompanied by a parent or someone responsible aged 18 or over.

The order applies in the roads listed below:  

King Street

Horn Lane

Rectory Road

Market Place

Derwentwater Road

Churchfield Road from junction with King Street to junction with Cowper Road

St. Mary's Burial Ground

Burlington Gardens

Burlington Mews  

Community and Partnership Superintendent Ian Jenkins of Ealing Borough Police said: "We are fully committed to using powers under the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 to deal with perpetrators of nuisance behaviour. There have been several incidents of anti-social behaviour in the last couple of months directly linked to groups of youths involved in street crime, drugs activity, criminal damage, who engage in threatening behaviour, verbal abuse, intimidation, harassment of the public, local residents and proprietors in the area." It will also ensure that Acton Central and the surrounding streets remains a safe environment for those residents and members of the public, who live near, work and visit the area. Any individuals, irrespective of their age, seen to be acting in an anti social manner will be dealt with appropriately."

Councillor Sue Emment, Ealing Council’s cabinet member for Safer Communities, said: “This dispersal order is essential because it shows that we won’t put up with disgraceful behaviour from a few mindless individuals who are hell-bent on terrorising people in this part of Acton. I am confident the order will help us give back the area to the hard working, decent law-abiding residents who live there. "  

If you wish to report antisocial behaviour in the Acton Central Dispersal Area you can do so by contacting the:   Acton Central Safer Neighbourhood Team on 0208 721 2921 Or Ealing Borough Police (Non Emergency Telephone Number) 020-8246-1212 Or Via E-Mail to: or Ealing Council on 020-8825-5000

Alternatively please contact Crimestoppers anonymously< on 0800-555-111 In an Emergency always dial 999.

November 30, 2006