South Acton Team Working to Keep the Peace

Activities to combat anti-social behaviour; details of drop-in surgeries

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In an emergency always dial 999

Ealing Borough Police Website

Safer Neighbourhood Teams
East Acton Ward 020-8721 2708

South Acton Ward 020-8649 3574

Acton Central Ward 020-8721 2921

Southfield Ward 020-8721-2946

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The South Acton Team will be working from 8pm to 4am on Friday 16th and Saturday 17th April in response to complaints about anti-social behaviour linked to public houses.

The team hold regular drop in surgeries across the ward:

Every Tuesday - 2:30pm to 3:30pm - Regeneration Office, Hardy Court, Bollo Bridge Road, W3

Second Tuesday of each month - 2:30pm to 3:30pm - Michael Flanders Centre, Chruch Road, W3

From 27th April and then every other Tuesday - 2:30 to 3:30pm - Acton College (for Students and Staff).

Please do not hesitate to contact the team on 0208-649-3574 if you need any advice. For further contact details see box, right.



April 16, 2010