Don't Get Caught Out - Get Immunised | |||||
Appeal for young people to be vaccinated with MMR
Parents whose children have not received the MMR vaccination are being encouraged to contact their GPs and get them immunised. In line with trends across the country the number of cases of measles has continued to rise in London. In response, a national programme to increase the MMR vaccination uptake in children and teenagers was announced on Thursday (25 April) by Public Health England, NHS England and the Department of Health. The aim of the programme is to prevent measles outbreaks by vaccinating as many unvaccinated and partially vaccinated children and teenagers as possible. Ealing Council’s public health team is working with local GPs, schools, children’s centres and youth services to raise awareness and encourage residents to contact their GPs. Councillor Jasbir Anand, Ealing’s Cabinet member for Health and Adult Services said: “Measles is a very unpleasant illness that is highly infectious and spreads very easily. In rare cases it can lead to very serious complications and time in hospital. “I therefore encourage those who have not been vaccinated to contact their GPS for at least one dose of the MMR vaccination. ”The only way to prevent measles outbreaks is to ensure good uptake of the MMR vaccination." Children and young people who are catching measles are mainly those who have not received MMR vaccinations. Older adults who had measles before are largely protected. Someone with measles is infectious from a few days before and after the rash comes out and can spread it with very casual contact – such as passing someone in the corridor. It is never too late for children and young people to get vaccinated against measles. Parents of unvaccinated teenagers and young children who have missed out on the MMR vaccine should arrange for them to be vaccinated by their GP as soon as possible. May 1, 2013