Ealing Conservative Leader's New Year Message

Cllr David Millican says 2014 will be a year of change

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Councillor David Millican

ActonW3.com, ChiswickW4.com and EalingToday.co.uk

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The people of Ealing borough will have their opportunity in May to cast their verdict on this failing Labour Council.

It would be hard to forget that it’s two years since Labour replaced the waste and recycling contractor, yet the service is worse than it ever was. Let’s not forget too that Labour proposed closing four of our libraries; or the appalling level of service we receive, as you can barely speak to anybody at the Town Hall; or the unnecessary car park they built in Southall, which cost £31,000 per space (yes, per space); or that Labour has stung the motorists by doubling parking charges whilst dramatically reducing road resurfacing, causing atrocious problems for cyclists and motorists.

If the people put their trust back with the Conservatives there will be big changes for the better. Under the Conservatives, Ealing Council will be a radically reforming local authority. We will re-build trust with residents, by delivering services for residents, rather than in spite of residents

For a start, Conservatives will fix the waste and recycling service; will ensure you can talk to staff at the Town Hall; will scrap the £40 tax to collect garden waste; will re-invest in our roads and pavements; and will freeze parking charges.

But it’s not all down to what the council and the state provides. At this time of year let’s remember all the admirable work done by the countless citizens who help their neighbours and community by volunteering through some of the outstanding non-profit groups.

This will be a year of change, as the economy continues to improve, and hopefully the people of Ealing will put their trust in the Conservatives to run an efficient Council again.

Councillor David Millican

Conservative Opposition Leader


1st January 2014