New Fines For Litter Louts and Dog Fouling

Private company working with Ealing council on environmental crackdown

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New uniformed patrols are to start issuing fines to those caught dropping litter, dumping rubbish, spitting and allowing their dogs to foul the streets.

The council has teamed up with Kingdom Security to provide teams which will work with environmental enforcement officers, providing a deterrent and issuing £80 fines.

Operating initially on a one-year trial basis, Kingdom Security won't cost the council but will take a share of the fines issued.

Ealing Council say it's the start of a wider, joined-up response to environmental crime in the borough which will see council teams working alongside the police and members of the public to improve the environment and public spaces.

Kingdom Security are also working with Harrow Council so persistent environmental problems that spill over the two borough’s boundaries can be the focus of a co-ordinated response.

Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, cabinet member for transport, environment and leisure, said: “We spend £4.5million each year cleaning up after people who feel it is ok, to litter our streets with rubbish, chewing gum, spitting or dog mess. Ealing residents are sick of seeing it and paying to get it cleaned up through their taxes. 

“The changes we are making will turn the tide against these selfish individuals, who are committing these offences and deal with them with these on the spot penalty notices.  By working together with residents, the police, contractors and partners, we want to improve the environment in our borough for everyone to enjoy.”

The Liberal Democrats welcome the move but say it should have happened much soon. Liberal Democrat Councillor Andrew Steed said:

“It is about time Ealing Council took anti-social behaviour more seriously. Based upon the level of prosecutions by the Council, people who dump rubbish and allow their dogs to foul the streets, face little or no sanctions. I welcome this crackdown and wish it success, but we will continue to monitorthe situationand report back on the results after the one year trial.”

Officers will start patrols from Wednesday, 23 September. Residents can report littering and dog fouling online at

September 24, 2015