Overwhelmingly Satisfied? No Way Say Tories | |||
Council survey results open to interpretation
Responding to the Residents survey at the 22 Jan Cabinet meeting, Conservative Group Leader, Cllr David Millican said: "It is hugely important that the Labour councillors, stop their complacency, get out of the Town Hall and start improving the services for the people of the borough. Residents were asked if they were "fairly satisfied" or "very satisfied". Of course most people are "fairly satisfied"; but far fewer were "very satisfied" with key council services. Indeed the services have declined so dramatically that only half the number are "very satisfied" on key services, as they were 2 years ago, immediately after the Conservatives were the administration In 2010, We all know that the Council's introduction of the new refuse, street cleaning and recycling service was disastrous, and now residents are saying this all too clearly. To other questions residents were asked if "The Council is doing a good job". Again most people think they are "to some extent"; but far fewer do "a great deal"; down from 17% in 2010 to 14% now. Likewise far fewer people think the Council is "efficient and well run" The Labour Administration's complacency is breathtaking. The people of the borough deserve better and are saying so loud and clear"
23rd January 2013