Residents 'Overwhelmingly Satisfied' With Ealing Council

Satisfaction with Council Services 'increases'

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Ealing Council reports that residents are 'overwhelmingly satisfied with Ealing Council'.

According to the results of its latest survey of more than 3,000 local people, overall, 80% said the council is “doing a good job”, and the proportion of people who are very satisfied (the top rating) with the way the council runs things has trebled in the last year to 19%.

At the same time, the council’s focus on offering Value For Money is recognised, with 71% feeling it is efficient and well-run.  Satisfaction with key services that are used by most people such as refuse collection, recycling, and street cleaning is continuing to improve, and residents’ main concerns, including crime, traffic congestion and council tax levels are all down.  

According to their findings local people believe the borough is a safe place, and the proportion feeling safe at night has particularly increased, leaping from 54% to 71%. Satisfaction with the neighbourhood where people live is improving too. Overall, 48% of residents feel very satisfied (the top rating) up 25% on last year and 21% higher than the figure for London as a whole. 

Council Leader, Councillor Julian Bell, said: “The most important measure of our success is resident satisfaction. I’m therefore delighted that local people rate the council’s performance so highly. 

“With our budgets, like those of all councils, having to be massively reduced maintaining and improving on these results is going to be a real challenge. By continuing to prioritise what residents have told us is most important to them, however, I’m confident we will ensure Ealing remains a great borough to live.” 

A total of 3,365 people took part in the survey, which was carried out by independent market research company ICM Research.

Interviewees were selected at random to have their say on local services, identify what the council is doing well, and highlight areas for improvement. The topline results of the survey can be downloaded now from the consultation pages of the council’s website at:   The full report is expected to be available to download next month.

Are you satisfied with Ealing Council? Email your editor or discuss on the forum - let us know.

08 January 2011