Alice Gross Latest - Police Release 51-Year Old Man |
More time granted to hold another man arrested on Saturday A 51-year-old man arrested by detectives investigating the disappearance of 14-year-old Alice Gross has today (Monday, 8 September), been released with no further action. The man was arrested by officers in Hanwell in the early afternoon on Sunday, 7 September. A 25-year-old man remains in custody at a west London police station after being arrested at around 5pm on Saturday, 6 September. More time was requested and granted to hold this man for further questioning. Police say all lines of enquiry are still open and this remains a missing person investigation at this stage. ''We are not prepared to discuss further.'' They are continuing to appeal for witness and information in relation to the last known movements of Alice.
Searches are continuing in the Grand Union Canal in the vicinity of Hanwell. Police have confirmed that they have been in this area since Friday, 29 August, the day after Alice's disappearance. Underwater and Confined Space Search Teams and Specialist Dog Units are on the scene. Surrey Police and Sussex Police have both provided specialist resources to the Met as part of this search Earlier on Saturday an appeal was issued to two groups of towpath cyclists who were cycling by the Grand Union Canal at the time of Alice's disappearance. That appeal was repeated after the arrest was made. Anyone who has seen Alice or has information that may assist the investigation should call the Incident Room on 020 8358 0100 or Ealing Missing Persons Unit on 020 8246 1018 or 101. Alternatively call the charity Missing People on 116000. Alice's sister, Nina, has set up a Facebook page to appeal for information which can be found here:
8th September 2014 |