Fire Service Cuts Alarm Bell

Ealing Council leader responds after recent fatality

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Ealing Labour leader Cllr Julian Bell has spoken out against the closure of fire stations after two fires in the borough in recent weeks.

The latest incident took place in Grand Union Village, Northolt last week and ended in a fatality and was attended by fire crews from across West London including Hayes fire station which is scheduled to be closed by the Mayor of London later this year.

Cllr. Julian Bell

The Mayor is pushing through the closure and downgrading of fires stations across London including Hayes which serves much of the West of the borough. This is despite all the opposition parties voting down the proposals when they came before London assembly members forcing the Mayor to use his veto to bulldozer them through earlier this month.

Cllr Bell said,“Once again the Tory mayor is breaking his promises and slashing vital services for Londoners. In Ealing we have seen fire fatalities recently and we don’t want to see any more deaths from fires across the borough. Closing fire stations and reducing the number of crews will mean more danger to the public. This comes on top of the cuts to the Police and the potential closure of A&E services in Ealing. Labour in Ealing is totally opposed to the Tories programme of cuts to vital emergency services.”

August 19, 2013