Best chips in town? Try the local Cajun

A review of the Coyote on Churchfield Road

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You would probably describe the ambience in the Coyote as mellow: Candles glow on the tables, the lights are dim and a mostly soothing mixture of Norah Jones and her ilk plays your soundtrack for the evening. It's all very relaxing and hickory smoked - though not smoky. Helped by the charming, cheerful waiter we chose Louisiana skins (potato skins with scallion pesto, cayenne pepper paste, Monterey Jack cheese, served with spicy honey and sour cream sauce), chicken hot wings (with a spicy smoked tomato sauce) and Cajun Angels (5 large shrimp in a crispy bacon wrap with a blackened crust) to start. These were all fine and quite filling.


For main course, baby pork ribs and a chicken breast fillet marinated in tangy sauce with chips with 'skinny fries' and coleslaw seemed to go down very well. Two of us had burgers (one cheese, one with chilli sauce). I would say that it's definitely worth going to the Coyote for a burger if that's what you're in the mood for. The meat is good, the garnish fresh and I would walk a long way for a few Coyote skinny fries. They've been cut with the skin on and are completely un-greasy and delicious.


We weren't in the mood for wine, so drank Corona beers which arrived with limes stuck in the top. I like the taste of light lager with lime, but can anyone tell me how you drink through a slice of lime without dribbling? Presumably that's not what you're supposed to do...


Apart from an off-putting but blessedly brief burst of heavy-metal/punk at loud volume, there was a lively, friendly and relaxed atmosphere with most of the tables full. Some even took second sittings, so it's probably best to book if going at the weekend.


At 10:30 when we rushed off into the night hoping not to have missed too much of the riveting Eurovision Song Contest voting, the restaurant was very busy. Outside on Churchfield Road gaggles of young antipodeans with bare midriffs were making their way towards the Redback. We didn't have pudding, but will return for those before too long.



Clare Gittins

May 8 2006