South Acton Ward Forum News | ||||
Councillor John Gallagher writes to residents
The next South Acton Ward Forum will be on Tuesday, 24th November, at 7pm, at the Armenian Centre, Mill Hill Road. There will be reports on progress so far with several of the items in this newsletter. The preliminary work on the long-promised crossing by Tesco on Uxbridge Road has started. I hope the main work will soon be underway. South Acton has achieved the award for the second lowest amount of recycling in any ward in Ealing. Only Southall Green Ward is worst although Acton Central is a close third to us. I would imagine it is because there is much less recycling opportunities for flats but I am hoping officers will have some ideas at the forum. We are reviewing the Bollo Bridge CPZ and I have asked for the inclusion of Strafford Road, the car park by Carisbrook Court and the area around South Acton Working Men's Club and the back of Hardy Court because of the complaints about motorists parking in residents' spaces or blocking deliveries to traders. Acton Central and South Acton councillors are trying to sort out funding for a Christmas Market outside St Mary's Church and Morrison's but there are a number of complications this year which seem to be in the way. I must warn residents that the cuts in council services will soon be announced and they will be about ten percent of our current budget. There is likely to be a dramatic reduction in jobs and the services which they deliver. There will also be an affect on the local economy when redundant officers who live locally cannot spend as much in local shops and have to be supported by housing benefits and job-seekers' allowances, which are to be cut as well. I have a little bugbear. About two months ago I was disturbed in the afternoon by a young man, who, to be charitable, seemed to have learnt English from a book. From what I understood he was calling as a representative of Southern Electricity in Hounslow to tell me I was paying too much on my present tariff and I could pay less. He had an identity card. I told him Southern Electricity could write to me if that is the case and then I complained to them about cold-calling, to which they responded some days later telling me they did not have a branch in Hounslow and had not sent anyone. I reported the matter to the Police Safer Neighbourhood Team and Ealing Trading Standards, copying them in. I am aware of distraction burglary and that ID can be very simply forged on computers. To add to my alarm, I have twice had my utility suppliers changed because of misunderstandings with other flats caused by other companies sending agents with limited English to neighbours who have been confused or have limited English themselves being forced to sign contracts on the doorstep without thinking properly. On both occasions, it cost me a great deal of time and expense to rectify the matter. However, some weeks later Southern Electricity admitted he was their representative and said they would take me off their list of people to visit. When I asked them to remove all the flats here they said they would not. I understand the Office of Fair Trading has condemned this odious practice but the suppliers do not seem to worry. With all the possibilities of distraction burglary, elderly people and new arrivals in the country being confused into signing all sorts of things they do not understand and the inconvenience sorting mistakes out I think this should be outlawed and heavy penalties imposed on any supplier who continues to do it. Meanwhile, I advise anyone else who is similarly inconvenienced to complain to the suppliers, insist they are removed from their lists and advise Trading Standards and the police if they suspect fraud or the agent harasses or threatens them or attempts any other sort of intimidation. The mayor said he enjoyed the reception he gave for residents and workers in South Acton last week and he raised over £80 for his charities, Age Concern Ealing and Ealing Association for the Blind, in the raffle. Twenty people accepted the invitations we sent out with the last newsletter and I hope they all enjoyed it as well. Thank you for your generosity. My sympathy is extended to the poor mayor. Rajinder has hurt his back and I am acting on his behalf until he recovers. I hope the lights between Acton Lane and Melville Villas Road will be switched on soon. They were replaced after about a year, then about a month ago the lamps were put on and perhaps we will get them lit when the Christmas lights go on in the rest of the High Street. I went to the Local Development Framework meeting in the Oaktree last month. Frankly, it all seemed a bit vague. Some organisations may be approached by a developer who wants to install a retail outlet on the ground floor with flats above where Zara Furniture and the smaller stone building are by Acton Hill Methodist Church at the junction of the High Street and Gunnersbury Lane . As deputy mayor I do not think I should support or oppose it. John Gallagher 020 8993 0017 Your other South Acton Labour Councillors are: Yvonne Johnson 020 8993 4166 Mik Sabiers 07867 538646
16th November 2010