Hellish Situation at The Community Theatre

'Oh Hell!' on stage 18th-21st May


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Description: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQHifioCa52mP5kTAcKUqU6lexbqbVetLIMDJu-STCs1C1Ci0kY'Oh Hell!' looks at some hellish situations that people find themselves in.  These range from the comic to the tragic.  Variety is the spice of life and that is what we are giving you in the shape of some short, sharp scenes.  You should be able to spot the Hell in each one.

Popup Theatre (Amateur and fringe players) appearing at The Community Theatre, West London Trades Union Club, 33-35 High Street, London, W3 6ND

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 18th, 19th 20th and 21st May at 7.45 p.m
Tickets £6.00 (concessions £5.00)   Limited seating so must be booked.  020 8578 9082

April 9, 2011

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