Arms Aloft in Acton Again

Clash tribute to mark tenth anniversary of historic Joe Strummer gig at the Town Hall

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10 years ago Joe Strummer played his last gig in London, a benefit concert for the Fire Brigade's Union (FBU) at Acton Town Hall.

The event is best remembered for reuniting Strummer with Mick Jones who was in the audience that night along with 500 fire fighters plus hundreds of Clash fans. He joined his former bandmate on stage for the first time in almost twenty years and performed Clash songs again during the encore.

It was planned to return to the venue on the anniversary but the Town Hall is unavailable due to building work and this time the event is to be held at Notting Hill's Tabernacle. Nevertheless, the original location is not being forgotten with the gig being entitled 'Arms Aloft in Acton' to recall that night in 2002.

On Friday 16 November, Notting Hill's Tabernacle will open its doors for Strummer lovers to remember one of Joe's finest hours and to pay tribute to a punk rock hero. Clash inspired band, Hard-Fi, will be playing a one off, stripped down, special guest spot during the evening.

Legendary cow punks, The Men They Couldn't Hang, will saddle up to headline and will be accompanied by sets from Strummer's mentor and sometime Mescalero, Tymon Dogg, New Town Neurotics frontman, Steve Drewett and dignified Clash tribute band, Take the 5th. Former Clash and Mescaleros DJ Barry 'Scratchy' Myers will punctuate the night with dubtastic sounds. FBU activists will also speak and turns from very special guests are promised.

Tickets are £20 or £15 for Trade Union members and for students and those on benefits. We also have children (ages 10 and over) priced at £12.50. Payment will be via Pay Pal.

The organisers would like to thank Stardust Designer Kids Clothes for their help answering the phone and sending out the tickets.

All proceeds will go to Jail Guitar Doors and the Strummerville Foundation for New Music.

A previous return to Acton concert in 2007 sold out quickly so you are advised to book tickets as soon as possible.

Buy Tickets for Arms Aloft in Acton


October 29, 2012