What's Going on over Christmas and New Year
St Mary's
Sunday 20 Dec
6.30 pm:
6.30pm Traditional Service of Nine Lessons and Carols by candlelight
Weds 24 Dec (Christmas eve)
3.30pm Crib Service (a half hour service for children)
4.30pm: Crib service - the Christmas story for the very young
11.30pm First Communion of Christmas (Midnight Mass)
Thursday 25 Dec (Christmas Day)
8.00 am Holy Communion
10.30 am Parish Communion with carols
Sat 26th Dec (Boxing Day) St Stephen
11:00am Holy Communion
Sunday 27th Dec (services as usual)
8:00am Communion, 10.30 am Communion and 6.30pm Evensong
31 Dec (New Year's Eve)
11.45pm: Watchnight communion for the New Year
Oak Tree
Every three days or so a new window at 216 the High Street will be opened to show the next part of a contemporary telling of the Christmas story. This is a group of artists, who are part of our church community, and their interpretation of the events leading to the birth of Jesus Christ.
Come and celebrate Christmas with us as a church:
Acton Market: 11-3pm on the 19th December
Carol Service: Twyford School, Uxbridge Road 4.30pm on the 20th December
December 18, 2009