South Acton Ward Councillors' January 2011 Newsletter

All the latest news from your South Acton Ward councillors

Dear Residents,

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 2010 was an exhausting year with two elections and regaining control of Ealing Council. 2011 will see the referendum on voting. The increase in VAT is now beginning to have its affect on prices. I will refrain from any reference to banks.

Important dates:

Wednesday, 16th February, is a public consultation on the Local Implementation Plan (development and planning for the future) at the Oaktree Centre at 7pm;

Wednesday, 16th March, is South Acton Ward Forum at the Armenian Centre at 7pm.

The snow before Christmas was the worst I can remember for many years. I think the roads and some pavements were kept as clear as possible and I must thank the workers for their efforts. I thought I was going to be lynched by some of the pensioners at their Christmas party at St Mary's the Monday before the holiday because of the time it took to grit the Mount and King Street. Fortunately, it was done while the party was in progress. Thanks to Mary Tuohy for organising the party, the Rotary Club for funding it and the church for the hall. We still need to sort out who grits the areas around sheltered accommodation because I had the annual debate between Ealing Homes and Highways about who is responsible while there were at least three falls in Harleyford Manor, including the chairman of the residents' association.

I missed the Christmas Fair because I will not go out if I can help it when frozen snow gets more snow on top of it so I had to make it up by giving the awards to the lucky winners of the shopfront competition on the following Tuesday. All three were in Churchfield Road, Acton Central Ward. Come on, shops in South Acton Ward!

While on the subject of Harleyford Manor, the mayor, mayoress and I were honoured to be invited to the residents' Christmas party and the mayor was particularly touched when the girls fron Acton High School, who had been singing there, gave him over £40 from their own money towards his charities, Ealing Age Concern and Ealing Blind Association. Ron Kirkwood, the chairman, is also chairman of CASH, the Campaign for Action on Sheltered Housing, and he presented a petition as well as addressing the council at our meeting before Christmas. We are now awaiting the outcome.

Applications for primary school places must be in as soon as possible. Please draw the attention of parents to this.

L&Q and Countryside have received planning permission for the next stage of the regeneration in South Acton estate and the Meanwhile Works for the properties at the end of the programme have been approved but are still subject to further consideration. Cabinet has approved the procedure for public consultation on the town hall redevelopment.

The council is very concerned about the low level of recycling in South Acton, Acton Central and some of the wards in Southall. If we can improve there is a financial reward. Ideas are welcome so please contact before the ward forum meeting. Ideas for improvements in parks also attract joint funding from the council.

Lastly, clap your hands and jump for joy. The campaign by CARA, Twyford High School and your ward councillors, including former councillors Liz Brookes and John Cudmore, has finally resulted in traffic lights being installed and which are now working by Tesco's on Uxbridge Road. Local governemt does work, even if it takes its time. Now we need to get proper lighting on South Acton estate and improve the road safety at the junction of Bollo Bridge Road and Acton Lane. 

Best wishes,

John Gallagher     020 8993 0017

Yvonne Johnson  020 8993 4166

Mik Sabiers        mik.sabiers@       07867 538646

Labour Councillors for South Acton Ward 

12 January 2011

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