Acton Central SNT Newsletter - June 2011 | |||||||||
All the news from your Safer Neighbourhood Team
PS 101XB Mark Pullen
Come and meet the team - Free crime prevention advice, leaflets & freebies!
Ward Priorities
‘You said we did’- what’s been done so far.
Your Ward - SNT update During the month of May the team conducted late night patrols. These patrols were aimed to tackle violent and anti social crime on the ward especially in and around the Friary Park Estate and High Street areas. There were patrols in crime hot-spots that resulted in stops and searches and arrests for Going equipped to steal and also theft of motor vehicle. This month’s crime prevention advice Please ensure windows are locked whilst out or asleep. If you would like a crime prevention visit to discuss security please call or email the team.
07 June 2011 |