Acton Central SNT Newsletter

All the news from your Safer Neighbourhood Team

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Acton Central Team

Tel: 020 8721 2921
or: 07879 694811

Acton Man Charged in Brentford Murder

Southfield Residents Warned of Bogus Builders

Alfred Road 'Crack House': Can You Help?

Arrests over Churchfield Road Drug Offences


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Picture: PCSO Mills fitting anti-theft screws

Your Acton Central team

PS 101XB Mark Pullen
PC 173XB Amar Mushtaq
PC 155XB Stephen Kyere
PCSO 7396XB Keith Mills
PCSO 7243XB Sarah Kearney
PCSO 7419XB Maria Cozma

Scheduled public meetings

Come and meet the team - Free crime prevention advice, leaflets & freebies!

  • Saturday January 15th 2011: Street briefing,   3-4pm, The Mount (outside Morrison’s, Acton)

  • Saturday January 29th 2011: Street briefing,   3-4pm, The Mount (outside Morrison’s, Acton)

 Ward Priorities

  • Anti-social behaviour related to drugs

  • Anti-social behaviour related to alcohol

  • Burglary

‘You said we did’- what’s been done so far.

  • Plain-clothes and high-visibility patrols in the area targeting drug dealing and drug use. Offenders prosecuted.

  • Seizure of alcohol, dispersal and prosecution of problem individuals on the ward.

  • Police presence in crime ‘hot-spot’ areas. Follow up visits made to all burglary victims. Crime prevention advice and security equipment provided to residents.

Your Ward - SNT update

On Monday December 13th problem street drinker Albert Gemmell was issued with an Anti-Social Behaviour order (ASBO) forbidding him from entering the entire area covered by the W3

postcode. Further ASBO’s are planned to tackle the street drinking problem on the ward.

This month’s crime prevention advice

There has been a recent spate of thefts from vehicles, whereby owners had left the cars insecure due to the cold weather: Please ensure your car is locked and secure at all times when not being used. Do not leave valuables on show - remove high value items.

05 January 2011