Acton High School Sixth Form Approved

Long-rumoured further education centre to finally open in 2012


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After years of consultations,, last week the council finally confirmed that Acton High would be getting a sixth form, and that it will open in September next year.

This move ends Acton High's long run as the only secondary school in the borough without any provision for further education, leaving students to pursue BTECs and AS Levels at one of the other schools, or more frequently at institutions such as the Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, William Morris Academy or Richmond College.

The sixth form will be mostly located in the Greer Centre Building, formerly the City Learning Centre, which the school has now bought outright (it used to be a community IT centre).

The school's website stated: "I am delighted to announce that the proposed opening of Acton High School’s Sixth Form in September 2012 has been approved by the school’s Governing Body. This means that the school can now continue the work of planning to deliver an outstanding Sixth Form experience for students from all of our current year groups. This is particularly welcome given the desire often expressed by our students to stay on at Acton High after Year 11, and the desire of staff to continue to support and challenge students with whom they have worked so hard from the beginning of Year 7, using the knowledge and understanding of the students that they have built up over the years."

There will be an open evening on December 14 at 6:30 pm, where prospective students and their parents can find out more.

November 16, 2011


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