Ealing School Expansions: 1050 School Places Needed in Acton |
31% of Ealing's school places needs in Acton
One-third of all additional primary school places in Ealing are needed in Acton, Ealing Council confirmed yesterday. A total of 1050 additional school places are required in Acton to meet the needs of a growing population, particularly in Acton Central. Ealing Council has confirmed to ActonW3.com that Acton schools need a total of 150 permanent places per year group, or an additional five forms of entry over the next ten years. The total number of school places identified under the Council's Primary Capital Programme is 480 per year group, or a total of 3360 across the borough. According to Ealing Council's press office, the figure of 1050 is the total number of additional places available once schools are fully expanded - it equates to 150 places per year group or 5 additional forms of entry (FE). "In order to meet demand we need up to 5FE of additional permanent provision in the Acton area. In the primary capital programme the 480 refers to capacity by year group so once the expanded schools are full this will equate to 3360 additional places." "In the Acton area, the greatest pressure are around the 'central Acton' area, particularly around East Acton, West Acton, Derwentwater, Southfield and Berrymede primary schools," a press officer said in a statement yesterday. "The Council has recently agreed funding for a further 8 forms of entry (FE) of primary expansions, bringing the total of additional planned permanent forms of entry to 24 (480 - 16FE as previously agreed plus the 8FE recently agreed). Where these 8FE will be located is yet to be determined and extensive consultation will inform these decisions." Southfields in Chiswick, West Acton and Berrymede Schools are each taking an additional class of 30 in September 2011. West Acton and Southfield are taking pupils in their current buildings and the council are undertaking internal remodelling to enable the schools to accommodate additional pupils. At Berrymede a modular accommodation was added last year and a class will be housed in this accommodation. Parents at Derwentwater Primary School are mounting a campaign against any temporary expansion of the school, but have indicated that permanent expansion may not be rejected, depending on the details of architectural plans and other considerations. Derwentwater is described in its 2009 Ofsted Report as a 'much larger than average' primary school, with 717 pupils. April 6, 2011 |