Thieves Target Lead Roof in Acton Central

Porch left denuded for second time

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Denuded porch in Acton Central
Denuded porch in Acton Central

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One Acton resident was left without  a porch roof last week after thieves targeted a house in Acton Central. He warns other residents that their lead roofs could be at risk.

He told us: “We left the house to go to work in the morning and when we came back we noticed the theft as we approached the front door.” 

Thieves had stolen the lead roof above the front door. 

He continued: “The same thing happened exactly a year ago almost to the day. I guess it is the same people who are the perpetrators.” 

Despite taking precautions, the resident has been left out of pocket. He said: “The scrap metal is worth very little but costs a fortune to replace. The lead was even marked with crime prevention ‘Smartwater’ information.” 

“I have reported it. I don't think the police have the time to investigate it though, perhaps understandably. I suppose this is why such petty crime is so rife. 

“This is an industry now - if you have a lead roof, flashing etc then please be aware. Or if you see anyone acting suspiciously obviously call the Police.”


September 20, 2010