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Do you grumble about things happening in your neck of the woods which don't seem quite right?
This is your chance to influence how the Safer Neighbourhood Team works in Acton Central.
The team have asked for help in recuiting new members to the Safer Neighbourhood Forum.
It is crucial that the Forum should be representative of the local community. The team is looking to encourage expressions of interest from different ethnic groups in Acton Central, particularly the Polish and Afro-Caribbean communities.
You would be expected to take part in four meetings a year with the team and other Forum members.
You would have access to Police information, receive an informed briefing about crime patterns and incidents as they happen in Acton Central, and your voice would be important in helping Police to decide on their priorities.
This is an important part of getting Acton Central to be a crime-free and anti-social behaviour-free zone.
If you would like to know more, please email NeilAnthony.Mackintosh@met.police.uk
October 22, 2009