"A Waste of Two Young Lives" Says Detective

As Craig Marshall's killer gets 8 year sentence

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Kandeepan Balasubramaniam

Kandeepan Balasubramaniam who stabbed Craig Marshall

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A 22-year-old man has been jailed for eight years having been found guilty at the Old Bailey of the manslaughter of Craig Marshall last September in Ealing.

Kandeepan Balasubramaniam, aged 22 years (04.02.87) of Rufford Tower, Lexden Road, W3 was today (14 July) jailed for an indeterminate sentence and ordered to serve a minimum of eight years.

He was found guilty at the Old Bailey on 16 June of the manslaughter of Craig Steven Marshall, aged 19 years (22/11/88), of Meredith Tower, Hanbury Rd in W3 on 25 September 2008.

An investigation was opened by the Homicide and Serious Crime Command following Craig collapsing in Acton Police Station on 25 September last year suffering from stab wounds, he died the following morning.

DI Steve Smith said :

"This was an argument over money between Craig and the defendant, but I have no doubt that if a knife had not been involved Craig would still be alive. This is a waste of two young lives. Craig is dead and the defendant will spend eight years in prison. There has to be a realisation by those intent on violence that the involvement of a knife could have a massive impact on all involved.

"I hope this prison term will go some way to allowing the family of Craig to come to terms with what has happened, my thoughts are of course with them."

The investigation quickly established there had been an altercation between Craig, the defendant and the defendant's brother outside Rufford Tower on Lexden Road. The defendant had supplied Craig with cannabis but he was not happy with the quantity or quality and refused to pay. An argument escalated and the defendant stabbed Craig in the abdomen and back before making off. Craig managed to make his way to Acton Police Station.

At 10.54pm on 25 September 2008, Craig entered the police station shouting: "Help me I've just been stabbed."

Officers administered first aid until an ambulance arrived. Craig was taken by the ambulance service to Central Middlesex Hospital before he was transferred to Northwick Park Hospital. He died at 8.00am the following day.

A post-mortem examination at Uxbridge Mortuary gave the cause of death as a stab wound to his abdomen and back.

The defendant and one other male were arrested at 1.30am on 26 September 2008, and the defendant was later charged with the murder, appearing at Uxbridge Magistrates Court on Monday 29 September.

The second man arrested was later released with no further action being taken.

Sharon Marshall, Craig Marshall's mother, spoke of her family's devastation at the death of her son:

"The way I feel about the whole thing is that half of me has gone. I will never be whole again.

"Craig was a 19-year-old boy who loved life and everyone in it and they loved him.

"Me and my family now have a life sentence.

"Craig is in my mind day in day out. I cry every night thinking all the time that he (Craig) should be with us and not in a grave. All I can do is speak to him when I visit his grave.

"We will never have fun again like we used to, always laughing. He was a good boy and I miss him so much my mind isn't the same.

"The person that has done this to my family still has a life. He has ripped ours apart and I will never forgive him for that. He has destroyed us. I hope he sits in his cell and thinks hard about what he has done.

"Craig also left behind a brother and sister whose lives will never be the same again since his life was ended so suddenly. Craig's grandad, Steve, who had always lived with Craig as he grew up has also suffered great pain since Craig's murder and cannot understand why such a lovely, promising boy should be snatched away. Craig's grandad's health has also declined since last September when he was taken away from us.

"I personally have been through various emotions since losing my son, from extreme sadness and disbelief to more recently, extreme anger at such a senseless murder. I would not wish what I have experienced in losing a child on anyone."

July 15, 2009