Impact Performing Arts Group Left Homeless

Lib Dems say council decision leaves "first-rate" provider high and dry

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The Liberal Democrat party have “called in” for scrutiny a Council decision to sell off the land where the Impact rent a building from the Council. The Council will have to decide whether it wishes to stick to its original decision or change their mind.

 Impact, provide adults with learning disabilities access to performing and creative arts to develop their skills and promote a positive image of people with disabilities through performance, workshops and film.

In advance of a recent Council Cabinet meeting in July, the Impact directors wrote to all the Ealing councillors inviting them to visit the Stirling Road centre, where Impact currently operate.

According to the Lib Dems, Councillor Rose was the only councillor to accept this invitation. He saw for himself the way the centre operates, providing support in art, music, drama and other activities.

Councillor Harvey Rose said: “The Impact directors are very disappointed with this decision as no realistic alternative has been suggested where Impact could continue its excellent work. Everyone agrees that that Impact is a first-rate provider of day care services for adults with learning disabilities in the Borough of Ealing.” 

He added: “Impact now feel they have been badly let down. It is not too late to the rescind the decision or to enter into constructive discussions to provide good alternative accommodation.”



September 2, 2010