Ealing Council's Consultation on Acton Park

If you're interested - let the Council know your views

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Ealing Council is asking for residents' views on the use of Acton Park for fun fairs, circuses and other community events.

The Council's Parks Services have also published a recent report on community events in Ealing's parks and open spaces. The report considers how all such events are managed and particularly looks at reinstatement / grounds maintenance required at those sites that host more than one event per year.

The report from the Council's Parks Specialist Scrutiny Panel recommends the following:

- improving the inspection regime, including supervision of events arriving and leaving, to ensure that damage caused by event organisers can be recharged to them;
- short-term repairs should be undertaken within two weeks of an event leaving site;
- the service should instigate a programme of management to ensure the quality of the grass and ground conditions are maintained to the optimum for the long-term;
- the reinstatement works are to be funded from within existing budgets.

We have asked Ealing Council to extend their deadline, currently February 7th, as we only received information about this consultation today.

Their spokesman said: "The consultation has been advertised on our website, and we have had posters on site, delivered leaflets to residents in adjacent roads, and emailed residents on the ward forum distribution list.

"The deadline is to allow for comments to inform part of the Cabinet report, to be considered later this month. People can of course send their comments after that, they will still be taken into account in terms of how we manage events and look after the grounds."

Which of the following statements do you agree with?

In addition, if you have anything to say about Acton Park's management that would be of particular interest to this consultation - opinions, anecdotes, etc. - please send this to parks@ealing.gov.uk or call 020 8825 9699.

- I think there are too many fun fairs, circuses and other community events in Acton Park

- I think there should be more such events in Acton Park

- I think the right number of these events are held in Acton Park

Consultation comments should be sent to parks@ealing.gov.uk  to go to the relevant page on the Council website. Responses need to be sent by end of 7th February for comments to be included in the preparation of the annual Cabinet report on Festivals and Events that includes the proposed programme and is currently intended for 23rd February. Early responses are encouraged.

February 5, 2010