Waste Transfer Site Accident

Health and Safety Executive are investigating the incident

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Waste Transfer Site, Acton
Waste Transfer Site, Acton

Air Ambulance Called to Waste Transfer Site



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Since Tuesday's tragic accident at the Waste Transfer Site at 307 Horn Lane, there are reports that the man involved has sadly died, but this is as yet unconfirmed. We will keep the site updated with news as it comes in.

The air ambulance was called to the site at around 4:00pm on Tuesday afternoon and took the injured man to the Royal London Hospital.

Since then, the Waste Transfer site has been closed. A spokesman for the Health and Safety Executive told us today that they are aware of the incident and that one of their inspectors was on site yesterday afternoon.

They are currently investigating Tuesday's incident.

We also have a statement from the Environment Agency. Environment officer John Skipper said: "We are in regular contact with Gowing and Pursey. 

"Our role in regulating the site is to prevent harm to the environment by monitoring and making sure it complies with environmental permitting regulations."

A trainee pharmacist from Jallas Chemist in Horn Lane was called to the scene immediately after the accident after one of the injured man's colleagues called him to attend. He performed CPR on the man.

It is thought that the man had fallen off a lorry while he was adjusting some netting.



March 4, 2010