News From Acton Central Safer Neighbourhood Panel

Quartely update on local policing issues


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What is The Ward Panel?

Hello fellow residents of Acton. We are a group of local residents that work alongside Acton Central Safer Neighbourhoods Police Team (SNT), forming what has been termed the ‘Ward Panel’. We meet with the local Police once a quarter and hope to represent the overall views and concerns of the local community. The aim of the ‘Ward Panel’ is to improve safety and reduce crime in our community.

At our most recent meetings, we have been discussing ways to communicate with other Acton Central residents and as such, we will be looking to use ActonW3 to update you on a regular basis.

As a result we hope to provide you with a monthly update on Police activities, as well as an overview of current local trends in relation to anti-social/criminal behaviour. This section will also contain details of what the police suggest you do to assist yourselves and the Police in the reduction of crime.

General Update

Over the summer months, the local Police were privileged to play a key part in the delivery of the London 2012 Olympics, together with colleagues from across the Metropolitan Police Service.
The Olympics was a time of unprecedented demand on the Police and, although general patrol styles had to be adapted to better manage these tremendous demands, local Officers have now returned to ward-specific roles.

Regardless of the pressures placed upon local Officers, the team has worked extremely hard to tackle ward-related issues, such as emerging crime patterns in relation to burglary and motor-vehicle crime, managing problematic premises and individuals and responding to matters brought to their attention by the local community.

Examples of activities undertaken by the team over the last quarter are as follows:

• 3 operations to tackle uninsured/licensed vehicles. During the most recent operation in September, 317 vehicles were stopped, 5 were seized, one cannabis warning was issued and one vehicle was clamped as the result of it having no tax.

• 3 warrants were executed successfully, including a drugs warrant where numerous wraps of cocaine were discovered.

• 2 pre-planned operations took place to tackle anti-social behaviour related to drink and drugs in the Acton High Street area. Over the two operations there were 10 arrests and around 30 dispersals.

• A ‘Dispersal Zone’ was instigated by the team. This took effect on the 15th July. The aim of this Dispersal Zone was to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the Acton High Street area. Since then there have been 93 ASB related dispersals by Acton Central SNT alone, with additional dispersals being carried out by partner teams.

• 2 Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs) have been granted over the last 3 months and 1 Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC) issued. 4 more ASBOs are in the pipeline, as well as 3 more ABCs. The 2 granted were key individuals relating to anti-social behaviour in the area of “The Mount”.

• An eviction warrant was enforced in the Horn Lane area, where 2 males were evicted following months of anti-social behaviour.

Ward Priorities

One of the key roles of the ‘Ward Panel’ is to help set the priorities of the local Police, following the analysis of criminal/anti-social behaviour in the area.

The current agreed priorities for the ward are:

• Alcohol and drug related anti-social behaviour in the vicinity of "The Mount" (inc outside Morrisons, Acton High Street and Churchfield Road)
• Sale and receipt of stolen goods in the Churchfield Road and Acton High Street areas

Anti-social behaviour on the Friary Park Estate is an upcoming priority, together with drugs activity in the area of Churchfield Road and retail crime in the Acton High Street area.

All of the above problems are subject to dedicated problem solving activity and have been set bearing in mind overall local concern for the problem, with long-term problem solving in mind.

Current Emerging Trends

It was noted that theft of/from motor vehicles and residential burglary have increased. Both are being tackled by operation “Autumn Nights”, where patrols involving large numbers of SNT Officers are taking place, in specific areas of vulnerability.

Since problems started to emerge around 2 months ago, there have been two particularly poignant arrests that appear to have significantly impacted the number of offences occurring in the area.

Crime Prevention

Residential burglary
Acton Central SNT is offering a free crime survey to anyone that feels they might benefit from ‘target hardening’ at their home address. The results will be forwarded onto the Local Authority Safer Partnership Team and Help the Aged, who will then be able to provide and fit crime prevention devices. If you know anyone who would benefit from this service, please contact Acton Central Safer Neighbourhoods Team.

Theft of/from Motor Vehicles
Residents are encouraged to take simple measures such as removing valuable items from view in car, ensuring no cables or satellite navigation / MP3 players are on display.

Theft General.
It is possible to register items with serial numbers on approved websites e.g. (including SatNavs, mobile phones, laptops, pedal cycles etc). By doing so, you greatly improve the chances of the police being able to arrest and prosecute offenders, as well as recover the items that might have been stolen.

Elderly/Vulnerable Persons Scams.
Scams arise across London relatively frequently that result in individuals being deceived of money and possessions. These are often very clever and very hard to foresee.
Whilst this not a particular problem in the area, we understand that this type of crime causes great anxiety. Recently, a ‘Big Book of Little Scams’ was been published, in order to highlight some of these. If you or someone you know would like this publication, please contact Acton Central Safer Neighbourhoods Team directly. They will happily provide one to you.

Robbery Prevention
The police advice is to keep personal possessions out of view, particularly in public places such as train stations and bus stops (e.g. walking with iphone on show). You can also install Apple’s “Find my phone” app, which is free.

Community Engagements
Acton Central SNT recently held a bike marking event on ‘The Mount’ where 17 bikes were security marked for free.
The Safer Neighbourhoods Team holds some sort of engagement activity at least once a month. These often have a theme (e.g. personal safety) and are an opportunity for you to meet and discuss matters with the SNT. Full details can be found on the Acton Central Safer Neighbourhoods Team website:

Would you like to be considered for inclusion in the Ward Panel?
Ward Panel - If you would like to be a member of the Ward Panel, please contact us. We encourage members from all backgrounds and would especially like to involve some younger members of the community - great for a CV!
If you would like to be considered, please contact Acton Central SNT on the following:

Acton Central Safer Neighbourhoods Team
Telephone: 020 8721 2921
E mail:
Or follow them on twitter @ealingmps

We look forward to providing you with further updates in the near future,

Acton Central Ward Panel



19th September 2012



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