Local Primary Awarded £1000

One of most improved in  the country

Southfield Primary School is delighted to announce that it has been awarded a prize of £1000 for being one of the most improved schools in the country in terms of the attainment and progress of our disadvantaged pupils.

David Laws, Minster of State for Schools wrote to congratulate the school on its achievement and to thank all the school community for their hard work in making this happen.

Mr Prebble, the Headteacher, expressed his delight with the award saying:

“It is great to get this recognition. I am proud of the hard work from all the staff and governors to ensure all Southfield children make very good progress

Local ward Councillor, Gary Busuttil, said: "The staff have worked very hard over the past year to help children progress with their learning. Well done."



21st January 2015



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