Local resident Maire Lowe queries whether it's time to fine
Apart from on bin day nobody wants - or expects - to see rubbish on the streets and pavements, but in some areas of the borough it's becoming an increasing problem.
From next spring recycling and refuse collections will change to - fortnightly and there are fears that this could make things worse.
'Somethings are more important than political differences' writes local resident, Maire Lowe, who joined Labour Councillors
Abdullah Gulaid and Patricia Walker on a recent walk along Horn
Lane and around Churchfield Road to view domestic waste dumped on the pavement.
Maire writes:
On a bright Monday morning it was dispiriting to see
bags every few yards, beside every bin and under most trees. The biggest
pile was outside the bin store on Horn Lane where we found an Amey
supervisor looking for clues to ownership. The sign above promised a large
fine if the culprits were caught. A disgusting jumble of kitchen waste lay
in an alley off Myrtle Road. Two huge piles of bin liners on Emanuel
Avenue. An abandoned child seat for a car lay where a disabled person would
find it most inconvenient.
Who are these people who leave waste on the street? Are they aware they are
attracting rats and other vermin? Do they like living in dirt.? Later in
the week I saw a man dropping plastic bottles and a bag of scraps on the
pavement near Acton Main Line station. When I asked him what he was doing
he told me he paid his Council tax every month and was entitled to have his
rubbish picked up from 'his designated'spot. News to me.

We are agreed that appealing to some people'say better nature might not
help. Has the time come for really big fines? Can we have photos of the
culprits? Do you see people dropping their rubbish on the street. What
would you like to do? Suggestions on the forum please.
Maire Lowe
A council spokesperson said: “This area is a well-known hot spot for flytipping and we are taking extensive action to tackle the issue including issuing fixed penalty notices to known offenders. In addition to enforcement we are working on educating residents on how and where to dispose and recycle waste properly.”
12th November 2015