Acton Town Hall Contractors Offer To Help Community Project | ||||
Does your room space need a makeover?
Contractors working on the demolition of Acton Baths have offered to lend-a-hand to a local community project. Wilmott Dixon have started knocking down the pool building and work will continue until the end of the year. The firm say they are prepared to undertake a community project in Acton such as painting, decorating, or gardening. It would be over a weekend where a team would help transform a space/building. Do you know of any community groups who would benefit from this? Contact Assistant Director Regeneration and Planning Policy Lucy Taylor, The Town Hall scheme also involves the retention of the Kings Rooms façade. Scaffolding to support the façade whilst the rest of the building is demolished is being erected in the next three weeks. The scaffolding will stand on part of the pavement along the High Street for the next year and erecting the scaffolding and support steels will require closure of the west-bound carriageway of the Uxbridge Road over two weekends – likely to be 20th/21st Oct and 27th/28th Oct. Residents and businesses close by will receive a letter informing them of this.
12th October 2012