'Tis The Season To... Pamper Yourself

Why not try Prohands Beauty Haven?



It's a Family Affair

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What's not to like about having a facial? Actually, having experienced a variety, some aren't always all that good.

That's not something that can be said for the wonderfully relaxing and soothing experience that awaits at Prohands on Churchfield Road.

I was recently given the opportunity to trial the Murad facial along with a Thai Foot Massage and can sum up the whole experience in one word, bliss.

Anyone who already knows Prohands can vouch for the fact that the whole experience from entering the salon to leaving is a real treat. The girls make everyone feel completely relaxed and welcome and whatever treatment you are having will ensure that you leave feeling far better than when you arrived.

We are right in the middle of all the Christmas shopping and perhaps like me you're beginning to feel a little stressed? It would be a great time to book yourself in (if they aren't already booked up that is - such is the popular nature of Prohands).


A Murad facial - in the caring and capable hands of Elle is a deeply relaxing experience.

Murad uses only natural ingredients so the products leave your skin feeling both cleansed and invigorated. Elle is a very attentive beautician who makes sure the session is a totally holistic.

This facial deals with more than just the face. The shoulders and arms and hands are massaged, and along with the thai foot massage - one of a variety of holistic therapies on offer at the salon - I was in seventh heaven.

Some people don't like massages - not me. I completely melted as both Elle and Marcie worked their magic on me. The experience left me floating on air - I just wish that feeling could be bottled and used in times of emergency.

I left Prohands in a deeply relaxed - almost zen like - state and have been ever since.

Christmas shopping will not induce panic now - I am at peace.

Isn't it time to pamper yourself too?

Thanks to Elle and all at  Prohands Hair and Beauty haven





Annemarie Flanagan

12th December 2012









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