Acton Stars Come Out Against Oaks |
Objectors include local celebrities Anna Chancellor and Emilia Fox Campaigners against the proposed Oaks redevelopment are urging residents to turn out on Saturday (12th October) to a site visit and next week to the committee meeting which will decide its fate. The controversial plans in the heart of Acton have been subject to some modification but they have not been received well locally. An increasing number of local residents, including celebrities Anna Chancellor and Emilia Fox, have objected to the gated scheme which they say will effectively cut off the High Street from Churchfield Road. Many believe there will be too much traffic congestion and the proposed tower block will cast the area into darkness. However, developers Acton Regeneration Company say the scheme will breathe new life into the area, creating new jobs and updating the existing High Street façade and frontage. They announced that Waitrose would be the anchor tenant for the site, As the date for a decision draws nearer the campaign against the proposals has grown. A website 'locked in and boxed out' has attracted nearly five thousand hits and a video (see below) has gained viewers from many places and countries outside Acton.
The Oaks decision is due to go before Ealing Council's planning committee on 16th October.
10th October 2013 |