New Acton Primary is Outstanding |
Inspectors praise Vale Lane school
An Acton primary school that's been open for just eighteen months has been awarded Outstanding from OFSTED. Holy Family Catholic Primary School on Vale Lane in West Acton is the first new Catholic primary school to be established by the Diocese of Westminster in the last 40 years and was officially opened this month by the Archbishop of Westminster and Cardinal Vincent Nichols. The school opened in September 2012, with 2 forms, using the local Parish hall and now caters for 120 children aged 4 to 6 and has a nursery too. The brand new state-of-the-art building hosts a multi-sports court, a woodland area, a music room, gymnasium, children’s kitchen, bright and contemporary learning areas, alongside a spacious atrium. The School had its first Ofsted Inspection in January this year and it was awarded top marks. Inspectors made many positive comments including: '' The leadership and management are outstanding, the behaviour of the pupils is outstanding.. they listen well and show strong concentration.'' It's been graded Outstanding overall and also in each of the 4 key Inspection categories. Ofsted commented that “the school is now well established as a fully functioning, high-quality establishment”.
26th February 2014