High Street Publican Fined For Serving Guiness for Breakfast

Smoking ban flouted at Clare Inn on High Street

An Acton publican who allowed customers to smoke in his bar and order pints of Guinness before opening time has been fined at Ealing Magistrates Court.

Following a report from a member of the public, an Ealing Council licensing officer and the police officers visited the Clare Inn on Acton High Street at 9am on 22 May 2012.

The court heard that several people had pints of Guinness, including some who were smoking or rolling cigarettes. Two of the people with cigarettes were sitting below a ‘no smoking’ sign. A check of the till receipt showed that the drinks had been served at 8.40am despite the licensed hours being 10am to 1am, Monday to Sunday.

Licensee Michael Foley pleaded guilty at court on Friday 19 October to allowing alcohol to be served at 8.40am and failing to prevent people smoking on his premises.

Mr Foley was ordered to pay a £250 for the Licensing offence and £50 for allowing smoking. He was also ordered to pay a £15 victim surcharge and pay full prosecution costs of £860.43, bringing the total to £1175.43.

Cabinet member for community services and safety, Ranjit Dheer said: “It is completely unacceptable to ignore the law and allow smoking in a pub which shouldn’t even have been serving customers at the time. I hope this prosecution will serve as a costly warning to anyone thinking they could get away with it.”
For more information about licensed premises in your area, or to report any issues call the joint council and police licensing team on 020 8825 6655 or log on to www.ealing.gov.uk


25th October 2012



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