Newly Formed Friary Green Residents' Association

Is looking for local residents to join

The Friary Green Residents’ Association was officially formed on Tuesday the 24th of March and organisers are hoping to spread the word and recruit more members.

Friary Park

The Friary Green area lies within the Acton Central Ward, London W3 and the association has been set up as a number of residents felt that their interests are currently not being looked after by the government, local council and property development companies.

In particular, it was triggered in response to the Cross Rail development and the subsequent unveiling of plans for high-rise development in the area.

The Association aims too ensure the area doesn't become overdeveloped and ruin the quality of life for many living there.

The committee say there was an excellent turn out at the first AGM and are hugely thankful for the interest that has been shown.

Membership is already growing but they want to encouraging residents to join from all areas of Acton so would like to reconfirm this if possible via ActonW3.

Membership is currently free of charge and residents can join from the website or by email.

More information is on the Friary Green Residents' Association web site.

15th April 2015


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