South Acton Councillors' Report

What's been happening in June from Cllr John Gallagher

The great controversy which developed while I was mayor is the change of the street cleaning and refuse collection contract. There have been problems, especially at the beginning of April, but they are being sorted out. Cllr Bassam Mahfouz, the cabinet member, publicly apologised and promised to resolve it at the last ordinary council meeting I chaired. We recognise there are still problems, in particular with garden waste collection, but it is better to tell us and we will try to arrange clearance. Please do not leave rubbish in roads and photograph it, like one of the Conservative councillors did; it only attracts rats and foxes. Recycling is being done at the main depot at least in the interim.

There are some improvements in paving, lighting and road safety being undertaken. It was part of the Mayor of London's Outer London Scheme but I understand there might not be as much funding now as was originally indicated. I am waiting to see what will happen at the Acton Lane, Steyne Road and Gunnersbury Lane junctions with the High Street. According to my sources, we were not allowed to put bunting up in Acton for the Queen's Jubilee because of a need to spend Outer London money on bunting for the Olympics. Officers advise me the portacabin on The Mount is a temporary arrangement.

We put the heating on in council blocks which are still on district heating systems because of the unseasonable weather. We are also investigating complaints about the digital television changes and problems with reception across the estate.

Mik did wonders persuading officers to cover most of the front of Jefferies/Beachwood House, 40-48 Acton High Street, with the picture of the tree. I think I know where all the hidden birds are now.

Julian seems to have scored a victory by forcing the developers who have left such a mess of the cinema opposite Ealing Town Hall to publish their plans.

We had loads of fun in the wet for the Jubilee Weekend and Bank Holiday. Phil Portwood and I joined the other surviving Acton mayor of Ealing, Bill Hill, with Cllr Ian Potts, to celebrate the thanksgiving for the Queen's reign at St Mary's on Sunday morning. I joined the mayor again at St Martin's, where the CARA street party had sensibly moved into the nave. Phil and Hitesh went to The Goldsmith's Arms's party, also inside.

I went to the Oaktree Centre's party, also inside, and Churchfield Road, outside, brave souls. On Monday Julian and I went at different times to the party outside North Acton Pavilion. I spent a pleasant time at Harleyford Manor's party on Tueday afternoon. It was lucky for Leythe Road that they had their party on the Sunday before. I went to CASH's and Age UK's parties on the Friday before and the Pensioners' Jubilee Party last Wednesday.

John Gallagher
Labour Councillor,
South Acton Ward

With Yvonne Johnson and Mik Sabiers


18th June 2012


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