Acton School Takes Action After Expulsions |
'Positive' meeting held follows recent troubles
The headteacher of Acton High School says he's positive relationships between the school and community can be rebuilt after six pupils were expelled. The students were removed from the school in November after it was alleged that one had a knife on school premises. An investigation followed and the students signed statements admitting their behaviour was serious enough to lead to exclusion. Alternative provision has now been provided for all six students by their home local authorities. However, some parents were angry about the way the incident was dealt with and threatened to hold a protest. This week head teacher, Dr Andy Sievewright, arranged a meeting beween school and community which he says was very positive: '' The families who attended were given information about how the school is planning to develop further our support for the progress of students in the school, including students of Somali descent, who may be struggling with aspects of literacy and numeracy development. '' The families were then asked to give feedback on the plans, and they provided very useful information on which of the proposed interventions they felt would be most helpful. ''At the meeting, presentations were given by Ibrahim Osman, from the Somali Advice and Development Centre, and by Abdihafid Jama, an associate governor and parent at Acton High. These presentations focused on strengthening relationships between the school and the Somali community and were very well received. ''The school remains absolutely committed to continuing to work closely with all our families, and with all groups within the local community.''
29th January 2014