Help Local Group Raise Money for Haiti

You can make a difference no matter how big or small your donation

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Venue: Priory Community Centre, Acton Lane, W3 8NY. Tel: 020 8993 1237

Any donations can be left at 33a Woodhurst Road. Please ring in advance so I can arrange a drop off time.
contact number: 0208 992 4476


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Aid For Haiti

You can make a difference to someone's life, no matter how big or small your donation.

Date: Saturday, January 30th

Time: 6:30pm-11:00pm

This is a fundraising event for the victims of the earthquake disaster. On the night there will be a number of different performances, stalls selling clothes, books, toys, bric a brac, tea, coffee and food available.

We are looking for performers who could give their time ie: Dancers, musicians, comedians, singers etc

We are also taking donations of clothes, books, toys, unwanted christmas presents and more.


January 14, 2010